In Wonderland we strive to provide a safe, stimulating, caring and inclusive environment for every child to develop a sense of belonging, being and becoming through child-focused, play-based educational programs and experiences based on The Early Years Learning Framework.

Our Philosophy and Goals

We recognize that play is integral to the way in which children learn and we support this through our educational programs and experiences. We also believe that the child’s family, cultural heritage and the wider community play an important role in developing the child. We are committed to building partnerships with families and the community to enhance the quality of care and learning for every child.

We believe that children are confident, competent and resourceful learners who are capable of constructing their own knowledge of the world around them.

There are 5 key areas of focus in Wonderland for our children’s learning and wellbeing development, these areas are:

  • Mindfulness
  • Resilience
  • Gratitude
  • Independence
  • Sustainability
  • Nurture the child’s sense of wellbeing, identity and self-worth, and to feel secure and included.
  • Ensure all children have equal and fair access and participation to age-appropriate activities and experience in both indoor and outdoor areas.
  • Learn respect, responsible and care for each other.
  • Provide opportunities for children to become confident, active and involved learners.
  • Interactions with each child are warm and responsive and build trusting relationships.
  • Promote and encourage children to be a confident and effective communication of their own needs, desires, choices, emotions, likes and dislikes and their points of views.
  • See themselves as constructive contributors to the community.
  • See themselves as valued, respected, unique and important.
  • Learn a love of nature, respect for the environment and understand the importance of environmental sustainability.
  • Provide opportunities for family participation and contribution to the Centre’s policy, educational programs and operation.
  • To involve families in all aspects of centre issues and to actively encourage open, two-way communication between the centre and families that aims to build true partnerships.
  • Respect and recognise each family needs, interests, tradition, cultural background and values, including their home languages, heritage and child-rearing practices.
  • Promote families sense of ownership by involving them planning educational programs, setting up of play spaces and participation of various Centre events.
  • Offer both practical & emotional support to families through the provision of information on various family health and supporting services within the community and current research into child related issues.
  • In relation to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders family and community, educators will recognise and promote a understanding of the ways of knowing and belonging to children, families and the greater community.
  • Support a harmonious, respectful and friendly working environment through teamwork and conflict management processes that are easily accessible, open and fair.
  • To be an inclusive, respectful and ethical educator and carer that respects all cultural backgrounds and caters to the individual needs of all children in an inclusive, equitable, kind and loving manner.
  • Support and maintain a high level of professional standard and practices as outlined in the Early Childhood Australia Code of Ethics 2006.
  • Recognise and promote sharing and pooling of each educator’s unique skills and talents, cultural background and languages, special strength and interests towards building a fun, motivating and supportive environment for the children, their families and each other as one big family.
  • Provide safe and healthy working conditions for educators that will support their well-being.
  • Recognise the experience and professional status of educators and provide them with opportunities for further professional development.
  • To constantly review and improve service standard and quality as detailed in the Centre Quality Improvement Plan.
  • To strive for standards of excellence in accordance with those set by the National Quality Framework, Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority.
  • Recognise that the Centre is an integral part of the wider community by sharing our interests, knowledge and experiences with them.
  • Acknowledge the benefits and importance of maintaining cultural diversity within the community to uphold social justice, anti-bias and anti-discrimination.